Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Battery Point Lighthouse Keeper's Log

Welcome back!  Today began with a steady drizzle.  I put the gull food out on the rocks as there were people walking around by 7:00AM.  I chatted with a hearty couple from Iowa who were not going to let the rain stop them.  I made a hiking trail recommendation for them in the redwoods.  The rain stopped around 10 AM.  Teare and I worked inside today.  She was on a mission to clean the curtains.  This was a mission she accomplished!  I swept the tower steps and took some time to read a little.  

I noted some serious wave action below.   The photo below was taken just outside the radio room at lighthouse ground level.  At this point, we are approximately 46 feet above sea level.  Note the spray nearly reaching the top of the rock!  

I scrambled down the rocks for a better view of the surf crashing against the island.  Here is a video:

I checked the tidal basin close to high tide.  You would not want to try to cross at this time!

Note who is watching over me as I climb on the rocks:

Here is a photo of the lighthouse from below:

We enjoyed a visit from Dottie Nuszkiewicz.  As part of our farewell week, we had Dottie over for dinner.  Dottie was the former supervisor of the lighthouse keepers.  While she is no longer in that role, she lives nearby and we enjoy her company.

We did the evening chores and cleaned up from dinner.

Thank you for following the blog!  Here's wishing you a very pleasant day!

Keeper's Bill and Teare

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