Sunday, September 18, 2022

 Sunday, September 18, 2022

Battery Point Lighthouse Keeper's Log

This was to be a leisurely Sunday morning.  We were not scheduled to have tours for the first time in 7 days.  It started off low key...  We had planned to meet our former supervisor Dottie and former volunteers Bill and Gretchen for brunch.  This reunion was planned with the tide schedule and the schedules of Dottie, Gretchen and Bill in mind.  Well, as the saying goes, the best laid plans...  Bill and Gretchen had driven three hours down from Roseburg, Oregon to meet us, so the least we could do is try to be at the restaurant close to on time despite the looks of the tidal basin.  Our meal time approached and waves were still washing over the walkway.  Teare came up with a plan to put plastic bags over our shoes and rubber band them to our legs.  

It was a good plan in theory, but the water was still too deep in practice... 

Of course, we both got our shoes soaked!  This broke our 18 day streak this year for keeping our feet dry.!

We did make it to the Good Harvest Restaurant and had a great visit and meal.

Me, Teare, Dottie, Gretchen, and Bill

We returned to the lighthouse parking lot, put on our wet shoes from before, and went back across the pipe and this time did not bother with the plastic bags!  Yes, we were soaked all over again!

We watched a little football and Teare began to prepare dinner.  Suddenly, she said it looked like Janice the gull was had her right leg trapped in the flood light.  Sure enough, she was hanging upside down, screeching like crazy, and was securely locked into a slot and could not get out.  I have seen Fred protect her in the past and I knew she would be very worked up when I approached her, but I had to do something.  I put my lawn mask on and my work gloves and went out to free her.  The video tells the rest of the story...

Here's a still photo in the event the video is too big

Fortunately, we were able to free her.  She did lose some tail feathers and her leg is injured.  I kept an eye on her, and for a couple hours she could not put weight on the right leg.  I fed them closer to their normal perch so she would not have to move so far and to protect her from potential predators.  Later, I noticed she did put a little weight on the foot.  I will keep an eye on her, but hope she will regain full strength in that leg.  We have already seen where a weakness resulted in a new mate since the first time we were here...

The last rain cleared out and it resulted in the best visibility since we have been here,  We could clearly see the outline of St. George Lighthouse which is approximately 8 miles from our location.  With binoculars, the structure was very clear and the tower lighthouse miles out in the ocean is an impressive site.

The remaining clouds made for a gorgeous sunset and backdrop for the lighthouse.

Here's wishing you a good evening from Battery Point.

Teare and Bill

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