Tuesday, September 6, 2022

 Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Battery Point Lighthouse Keeper's Log

Welcome back blog readers and thank you for your interest!

Teare was up at 5:30 AM this morning in order to cross the tidal basin, buy groceries, and make it back before the tide prohibited access to the lighthouse grounds.  I got the call at 7:05AM that she was in the check out line at the Crescent City Safeway.  I rode the four wheeler over to meet her and bungie corded our groceries to the 4 wheeler.  We had to ride through 6 inches of water on the way back and I was glad we didn't cross any later. We are stocked now!  

Since tours wouldn't take place until mid afternoon, I decided to mow most of the grounds this morning.  As I was mowing the fenced field, I noticed Fred perched on the telephone pole, keeping me company.  I read that sea gulls actually remember people. I don't know quite yet if Fred remembers me specifically, but he does let me sit a few feet away while he eats and he is beginning to follow me a round like he had done in past stays.  I still have some more mowing and a weed whacking to do. 

Teare went on a cleaning frenzy in the kitchen and cleaned the counter drawers and washed everything in them.  She then organized the contents, so like utensils were in the same drawer. She squeezed in a batch of chocolate chip cookies before the tours began.  She spent time in the gift shop after the tours, balancing the cash register and restocking.  Needless to say, it was a very full and productive day.  We had 51 admissions and raised a total of $306.07 in donations and sales.

During the tour, one lady thanked me and said she was so glad there were volunteers who wanted to lead tours and share the history of this historic landmark.  I expressed that it is a privilege to be entrusted with this amazing property and to share the rich history and interesting stories that make this place so special. 

One couple came into the gift shop and told me that her mother had loved this lighthouse. Her mother had passed away last year. A few months ago the family had come out to spread her ashes over the rocks. Well, today was her mother's birthday, so she and her husband came once again to the place so special to her mom to feel closer to her. She also purchased a Battery Point Lighthouse afghan to wrap herself in when she missed her mom.  She almost had me in tears.  

On a lighter note, another lady from Boise, Idaho taught me how to make the perfect baked potato.  First buy an Idaho Russet #2 potato, wash it well, prick it all over with a fork, cover it thoroughly with melted butter and kosher salt. Do not put it in aluminum foil, that steams it. Preheat the oven to 400, bake on a cookie sheet for 1 hour. I tried it tonight for dinner and she was right. It was delicious!   

The previous two paragraphs were shared by Teare.

After the work was done, we both went outside to enjoy the wonderful sunshine and views.

After dinner, I did the evening chores.  Fred and Janice were happy to see me.  Fred is all business when it is time to eat, but Janice likes to squawk and cluck and move around.  Teare observed "Janice always has to have the last word!"

This is our view when we do the dishes

We wish everyone well.

Keepers Bill and Teare signing off from Battery Point Light Station, as it was formerly known.

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