Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Battery Point Lighthouse Keeper's Log

The day began cool and foggy...and stayed that way!  In fact, it is thicker now at sundown than at any time during the day.  I did my morning chores and saw no one.  

We were scheduled to conduct tours from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.  We noted beforehand the tide would be coming in at approximately 11, so I took a sharpie and changed the schedule on the door to close at 10:45, giving the last tour group a reasonable chance to cross the tidal basin ahead of the deeper water.  I instinctively took the upstairs, so that Cary and Millie could get a jump on their exit.  Just prior to opening the front door for the first tour, I noticed a woman with a small dog.  I advised we do not permit dogs.  She replied that it was a "Service Dog" under the ADA definition and that she would carry it through the premises.  We permitted the dog, and thankfully, it was well behaved and did not do it's business!  We had 27 people visit us today and raised $197.49 in donations and sales. 

I was out at mid day and there were just a couple people milling about.  One gentleman from the LA area advised that he used to service lighthouses in that area.  He was interested in our lighthouse, so I provided some technical details about the lens.  He is also one of those folks who has a Lighthouse Passport.  These are small booklets similar to a real passport which lighthouse operators stamp in the same manner as a passport gets stamped when you enter a new country. He asked that I stamp his passport, which I happily did.  While he did not tour the interior, I felt his effort to get out on the isthmus was worthy of a stamp! 

I was talking to the gulls when I fed them their evening cat food, thinking no one was around, when over the hill strolled a man and woman with their fishing poles.  Since no one was around and the tide was quite high, I was quite surprised to see him.  He informed they had been here since the last low tide down over the rocks.  They must have wondered who I was talking to!  No wonder he gave me a wide berth as he made his way away from me and back down the walkway! 

The lighthouse before the fog thickened

The view to the west down over the rocks


I found my favorite book from the secretary in the historic Piland Bedroom.  It is entitled "US Presidents" with a copyright of 1881.  The current president at the time of publishing was James Garfield!  The book is talking about the country at that time making reference to all 36 states! 

Teare and I also did some planning for our drive back across the country when our lighthouse service is over at the end of the month.

Teare made a short grocery list, and left the rock at 5:20 PM.  I carried recyclables and garbage over to the receptacles on the mainland and also walked back to meet her to help carry groceries when she returned from the store.  Teare made blackberry cobbler from the bag full of blackberries the nice lady visitor gave us two nights ago.  We enjoyed it with cherry vanilla ice cream and whipped cream - yum!

Did some other routine evening chores and cleaning up and we are ready to call it a day.

We hope all is well with you.

Thanks to those of you who have provided feedback on the blog!

We are going to keep the fog horn on and the light on - it going to be a tough night for boating!

Keepers Bill and Teare

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