Thursday, September 22, 2022

 Thursday, September 22, 2023

Battery Point Lighthouse Keeper's Log

The clouds had cleared by early morning and it was a beautiful, sunny day in Northern California.  Even the remnants of forest fire smoke has cleared out.  It was a day when you were looking for reasons to be outside.  So outside we went!  

The fishermen in the area must have agreed, as there were several fishing boats among the rocky shoals this morning.

I swept, and weeded, while Teare went around the base of the lighthouse clearing the spider webs from the outside windows which were within reach.  

These just started to bloom within the last couple days

I also cleaned the tower glass before our afternoon tours which began at 2:30 and lasted until 4:30 by the time our last visitors left.  We had a couple from the San Francisco Bay area who were especially interested in the lighthouse.  We extended our tour for their benefit and we were rewarded since they made some fairly large purchases in the gift shop!  We had 38 guests and realized $462.53 in donations and sales.  Not a bad 2 hours!

As soon as we finished the last tour, it was time for Thursday Night Football!  Due to the time zone difference, the game was televised at 4:15 Pacific Time.  I was able to get the Amazon Prime station on my computer, so we were able to watch our beloved Cleveland Browns.  We also realized and the outcome we had hoped for!  The funny part of this was the post game show where the analysts were breaking down the game,  and the guy on the tractor kept going back and forth behind them, interrupting their commentary!.  Ryan Fitzpatrick quipped: "How many times does this guy have to mow the 25 yard line!?!"

So the Browns won, we had a good day on the rock, the lighthouse beacon is operational, and all is well here in Crescent City.  We hope the same for all of you.

This is Team Reedy signing off from Battery Point!

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