Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Keeper’s Log Battery Point Lighthouse June 21

The morning dawned clear but throughout the morning, we had intermittent fog.  One tour would have decent visibility from the lighthouse tower and the very next tour could not even see the jetty adjacent to Battery Point.  So it went throughout the day.  

We had a gentleman come by to look at the ATV.  Its important to have this equipment for hauling purposes.  The machine works, but it helps to know little tricks to get it into gear or if the starter doesn't want to do its job!

Sharon came by to volunteer for the 10-11 schedule at 9:30 and we started tours at that time.  We extended them beyond 11 to accomodate an extra group.  It was not a long tour schedule today, but we had full groups for the time we were able to open.

We visited with volunteers, Bill and Gretchen Schmidt, at their 5th wheel in a local campground.  Gretchen made homemade clam chowder and bread.  We learned how to play the game Rummikub.  Rummikub is a tile-based game for two to four players, combining elements of the card game rummy and mahjong.  It takes some concentration, focus and a bit of creativity.  Bill and Gretchen are very good at it and served as good instuctors.  We had a nice visit with the Schmidts.  We work with Bill and Gretchen on tours more than any others, so we have come to know them and enjoy their company and sense of adventure.  

We returned to the lighthouse and did a few chores.  Teare vacuumed and balanced the drawer and I mowed grass.  We took a break from our work to watch the sunset. 

We enjoyed visiting with people as everyone was watching the sun settle down over the numerous rocks in this stretch of the California coast.  The people we encountered included a lady who lives out on the Alaskan Diomede Islands next to the Russian border.  She is one of a group of friends who meet every year and take a trip together.  We met a couple from Champaign, Illinois.  We also met a couple from Vancouver, Washington followed by a family from Maryland who operate a small farm. This was their first stop on the coast.  A guy from Tampa, Florida who left his wife and kids down on the tidal basin wandered over to the point and tried to sell us financial services.  All this while watching the sun set and does not include the many folks we met in the course of conducting tours.  This setting can be as social as you wish to make it.  Teare and I have really enjoyed this aspect of being here. 

The sun has set and my recap is nearly complete. The lighthouse keepers who will be replacing us phoned today to coordinate their arrival with our departure.  This served to remind us that we are now less than ten days away from the end of our lighthouse stay.  We hope you have enjoyed being vicarious keepers and we still have those ten days to enjoy together.

The light shines on this evening and all is well at Battery Point.


  1. Best wishes to you as you wrap up your time at the lighthouse. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your beautiful pictures.
