Friday, September 21, 2018

Keepers Log Friday, September 21

I always enjoy going outside first thing in the morning.  In Seville, it may be fresh, cool air or sometimes there will be some residual manure smell from the farm next door.  Here, there is the aroma of the sea all around us.  It is cool and usually not windy in the mornings.  This makes it perfect for sweeping like this morning.  Fred (the gull) stood by as I put up the flag.  By the time I return to the radio room, I am ready for breakfast.   Coffee tastes better if I do chores beforehand.  At home, I always enjoy breakfast more when I work out beforehand, so this is no different.

Teare and I did a devotion after breakfast.  Afterward, Teare went in to the gift shop to do inventory while I cleaned upstairs and was later joined by Teare.  We swept the tower steps, and really hit the Piland bedroom hard this morning.   I waited for the morning dew to settle, then went out and weed whacked the entire property except, the fenced in area.  This created more work as I had to re-sweep the walkways, but that was a pleasant chore when you are looking down on the Pacific.  At one point, I spotted a sea lion making his way around the rock.  When all the work was done, we took a break and soaked in the sun.

After lunch, we did our final prep for the tours.  We conducted tours from 2:30 - 5:15 PM.  Fred took the bedrooms and I took the tower today.  We had enthusiastic visitors and that always makes it more fun.  I had a ship captain from Vancouver, BC, by way of Russia.  We chatted about modern day pirates, and the amount of armament it takes to defend a merchant ship in the open sea these days.  Another family from Germany were among the tourists.  The father had a Cleveland Indians hat on, so I had a feeling he was from Ohio.  Was I surprised when he turned out to be from Auchen, Germany, and he was surprised when I conducted a portion of the tour in German!  We had a few families from Utah.  One gentleman was from Cincinnati and he knew the track coach at the  University of Cincinnati, who I know from our trips to the Olympic trials. So we had our small world moment.  We had 47 guests and realized $309.01 in donations and sales.  That money will be used to maintain the lighthouse, pay for utilities, etc.  In a small way, we are helping to preserve this treasure which is not only on the National Historic Registry, but is unique in that it has been continuously occupied since its construction in 1856.  

There was still some time after tours and  before the basin became impassible, so Fred and Jill sat down and visited for a while.  We want to thank Jill and Fred for their many trips to the Historical Society to pick up miscellaneous inventory and supplies.  They have been great to work with!  Afterwards, we had dinner, fed the gulls, and chatted with a guy from San Diego as we watched the sunset.  What a beauty it was!  In the other direction, the moon rising over the lighthouse.  

We enjoyed our day here at Battery Point.  There was a beautiful red sky just after sunset.  It is a calm night and there is a moon shimmer which leads right up to the lighthouse.  A little work, a little rest, great people and gorgeous surroundings created another amazing day!  This is Keeper Bill signing off from Battery Point. Good night.   


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