Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 6 Thursday, May 19 North Platte, Nebraska to Denver Colorado

We were up early, had breakfast in the hotel and listened to the continuing saga of our audio book as we pointed the car westward.  We stopped once in Brush, Colorado for a pit stop and coffee and continued on through the plains of eastern Colorado.  We arrived at our designated lunch location, AVANTI’S, a little early.  We chatted with the hostess, Caroline, while we waited.  Soon our lunch friends all arrived; Megan Rybacki (former neighbor in Seville), Brandon Fast and Tom Milewski (former Westfield associates), and later on, Ryan, (Megan’s friend).  Avanti’s is a two story building which houses a half dozen separate food operations and a full bar.  It is located in the Highlands section of Denver and the second story open air seating affords great views of downtown Denver.  We enjoyed lunch and our visit!

After lunch, we followed Megan to her apartment near the foothills,  jumped in her Jeep and drove the short distance through Morrison to RED ROCKS.  There was a graduation ceremony at the actual ampitheatre, so we contiuned on to the hiking trails.  The trek to the top was approximately 2.5 miles.  We had a perfect day for this hike, and the sunshine on the rock made it very clear how the area was named.  We enjoyed the easy climb and the beautiful views.  At the top, we took a brief rest and looked out over Denver and the southern suburbs.  I brought binos and we could see the airport from our rocky perch.

We spotted a couple mule deer on the way down and returned to Megan’s place.  We drove around 470 which was full of traffic now as it was rush hour.  We just had enought time to check into our Lone Tree hotel before meeting Tom and Brandon at BROTHERS just up the road.  We enjoyed our visit, dinner, trivia contest (where we were soaring then crashed and burned), all while watching the Cavs beat the Raptors in game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals.

What a great day of exploring, friends, and hiking in beautiful Colorado! 

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